O'Brien on goal shortage - exclusive

Last updated : 14 March 2006 By Andy Parsons

Goalscoring has been a problem all season for Wednesday and despite Deon Burton's first strike for the club against QPR, The Owls could only finish with a 1-1 draw - even though numerous chances went begging.

But the former Livingstone midfielder knows that the more chances they get, the more they will put away although he also admits he is disappointed that he has not got on the scoresheet himself yet.

He told Footymad: "Our finishing has been frustrating all season; I don’t know what you can put it down to. The boys are desperate to get more goals, myself included. We just have to create chances because if you don’t create then things will get worrying.

"I think Deon will admit his goal was not a clean strike but it doesn’t matter, he just needed to hit the back of the net. We don’t care who scores as long as we get goals and victories – but we all have to chip in to get the goals to help us stay up."

O'Brien excelled in a wide-left role on Saturday and put in arguably one of his best performances of the season - but he admits feeling a bit more at home in the middle of the park.

He added: "I prefer playing central midfield but in the last few games the manager has played me at left-wing back but wherever the gaffer wants to play me I will do my very best in that position."

Mikkel Bischoff and Scott Carson both did well on their debuts at the weekend and the Scot was more than impressed with their performances.

"I thought Mikkel was different class," O'Brien beams, "he didn’t do much but what he did, he did well. We didn’t see much from Scott but I am sure that they will both be very good additions to the squad. It’s very disappointing to get only a draw though - we followed on from last week with a good performance against QPR and we were very unfortunate not to get all three points."